
RinxLen Story ch.11 :3

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I Just Found out I'm Addicted to You

Chapter 11: Memories of a Lifetime

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Miki's P.O.V

Hey red head, why are you crying outside like a weirdo?

I woke up with a start. It had been THAT dream again…The dream of the day that I met Piko Utatane.


It was a sunny day and the blue birds were chirping overhead. It was a happy day for all... Except for me.

... My father had just left.

Just like that. No goodbye or anything. Just a simple note:

Take care of my precious Miki.

Didn't he know I needed him? I needed a fatherly figure in my life... Who would teach me all the things a mother couldn't do?

Mother had smiled a sad smile when finding the note.

I had asked, "Where is Papa?"

And she had responded, "It doesn't matter... We don't need him."

I was twelve at the time.

I went out to the porch and sat down on the steps. My mother knowing I needed some alone time had let me leave.

Tears began to streak my face uncontrollably as if someone were pouring a bucket of water over my face. I heard people pass by but I was ignored by most and to others I was just having personal issues.

I spent about ten minutes crying until I felt something hit me. The tears stopped but I refused to look up, my red hair covered my tear-streaked face.

Something again hit me, a little harder this time.

That's it. Can't people break down without being bothered?

I looked up and was about to yell at my attacker, but I was surprised when I saw him.

He was a boy about my age. He had white hair with a curl on top. The most intruiging thing about him was that his eyes were two different colors. His right eye was an emerald green and the other was a pretty turquoise color. I was mesmerized by those beautiful eyes.

"Hey red-head, why are you crying outside like a weirdo?" He asked while peering over at me. He was playing with a rock in his left hand. So HE is the one who threw rocks at me!

"Why did you hit me with rocks?" I questioned loudly, not bothering to answer his initial question.

"Because you didn't answer when I said 'hey girl' so I had to take drastic measures." He said smartly.

"Why you little-" That's when I realized he had an umbrella open with no rain in sight.

"Why are you under an umbrella in plain sunlight?" I asked, truly curious.

"It's going to rain... Duh."

I looked up at the sky. Sure it's cloudy but no chance of it raining-

A single drop of water fell directly on my clenched fist. I stared at the drop of water ontop of my hand; it was still perfectly shaped and I could see my reflection in it. No way...

In a few minutes, small water drops began to fall and playfully kissed everything in their path.

The boy smirked, "See?"

I just remained there, looking at him with awe. How did he-

"Hey, red head, are you going to stay there gawking at me or do you want to get under the umbrella?" He said with a hint of a smile.


"Hurry up."

I nodded and ran under the refuge of his umbrella.

He smiled, "Hey, you're pretty, you know that? Crying will make you ugly."

I looked up at the stranger. He seemed so caring to a person he just met.

"Well... We are being weirdos standing in the middle of nowhere so let's go sit down." He suggested.

I nodded and finally we sat down on the porch steps of my house were I had been before.

"Red head, what's your name?" He asked as he observed the crying skies.


"Miki the Red Head... Nice ring to it."

I playfully punched him. "Stop calling me that!"

"Well Miki the Red Head, my name is Piko."


"Yep, Piko Utatane."

At that moment my mom came out looking for me. She found Piko and I on the steps and invited him to stay for dinner.

"Piko, want another plate?" My mother asked him.

The white haired boy looked up from his food and I laughed for his cheeks were full of tomato sauce. Piko then looked at me and pointed. I felt the tip of my nose and noticed that I too had gotten dirty. We turned to my mother and she also had sauce on her face. The three of us started laughing hysterically until our stomachs hurt. Just then at that moment I realized that everything would be okay... We would become one family: Mom, me, and Piko Utatane, my newfound friend.

Since then, Piko became my best friend. I told him everything as he did to me. We were inseperable. As funny as it sounds we even had a hair that always stuck up, defying gravity at all costs.

I was happy again; it never rained in my world of sunshine.


He left.

Just like my father had.

He told me the day before that he was leaving. His parents were moving to another city. It wasn't that far... But it was far enough for me.

"It will just be an hour away..." Piko assured.

"But you won't be with me anymore! We won't go to school together anymore!" I yelled, my eyes filling with tears being held captive.

"Red head..."

"Shut up! Don't call me that! You said you wouldn't leave me... Why does everyone I love leave me? Why?" I yelled with all my strength.

I couldn't take it anymore... My knees crumpled and I began to cry uncontrollably outside my porch. Just like the day we had met a year ago.

"Miki... I'll always be near you. No matter what." He reassured me, wrapping his comfortable arms around me.

"Piko... I-I-I-"

"Shhh... Let's enjoy our last day together, ne?" Piko said as he wiped my tears away, "Crying makes you ugly, remember?"

I smiled and giggled. Piko always knew how to cheer me up.

He stood up and extended his hand. I grabbed it and we ran off... Trying to treasure every hour, every minute, and every second of the day we had left together.

I was once again happy.

On the day that he left, I hugged him really hard and we said goodbye.

"Call me okay, Miki the Red-head?"

"Y-yeah..." I trailed off, giving a weak smile.

"I-I lov-" he started, but was interrupted by my mother yelling something to his mother.

"What?" I yelled.

"Nothing! Hope to see you soon!"

I smiled and waved while the truck pulled away.


As soon as the truck was out of sight, sadness a quiet foe, attacked me. Tears streaked my face and my breathing became irregular. My mom wrapped her arms around me but I shrugged them off and ran away, not looking back.


I ran...ran with all my might. Sorry Piko, I'm not as strong as you.

After running for what seemed an eternity, I slumped against an unknown building and let my sadness flow out in tears.

Why Piko... Why did you leave?

"Hey, red head, why are you crying?"

I looked up, halfway expecting to see Piko standing there, smiling... But the voice was different.

My eyes met a pair of cerulean sparkling ones. He was a boy around my age with blond hair tied back in a pony tail. He smiled caringly and offered me a hand.

I sniffed and stared questioningly at him. He reminds me so much of Piko.

"Are you going to stay there or do you want to get up?" He asked.

I mentally sweat-dropped. He even acted and talked like Piko as well.

I took his warm hand and he helped me to my feet.

"Hey... You're kinda pretty. Crying will make you ugly."

My eyes widened a bit and a smile lit my face. Piko... I think I found someone to help me get over you. It's as if you were right here next to me...

"That's much better...What's your name?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Miki..." I replied with a slight blush.

"Cool, I'm Len Kagamine."

The blonde smiled and offered me a ride back home.

A week later, my mom made me transfer schools. I kept on thinking about Len more often than I did about Piko.

It turned out that Len went to the same school. Every day was bliss, just being near him was enough. I had grown to love Len as much as I used to love Piko.

After two years of silent watching, my goal became to become Len's girlfriend.

He had been going out with Miku at the time and I was almost positive that it wouldn't last. She was the second one that week.

A week later, Len broke up with the teal girl.

I took my opportunity to launch my plan.

That same day, I left a note in his locker telling him to meet me behind the school gym afterschool.

I anxiously waited. As the time passed, I grew more and more sure that he wouldn't show up.

"*huff huff*sorry...huff huff... For coming late..." He panted.

I was utterly shocked. He bent over trying to even out his breathing. He actually came.

"What did you want to tell me Miki?"

I smiled, so he did remember my name from two years ago when we first met...

"I-I-I... W-well you see..." I tripped over my words because my hammering heart didn't let me speak coherently.


"Would you go out with me?" I asked all of a sudden.

He smiled, "Sure."

(Flashback end)

I hadn't been that happy in a long time.

But then SHE came into the picture, Kagamine Rin...

Kaito had made some sort of agreement as I had seen him and Gakupo talking to Len during lunch. Sure being best friends that shouldn't be a big deal right?

...But right after that "talk", he went up to talk to the flat-chested blonde.

When she stuck her tongue out at at him and ignored him, I thought that was the end of that.

But boy was I wrong...

Since I was his girlfriend at the time I had the right to know where he was...right?

Once he disappeared after school and I later found out that he had gone to Rin's apartment in who knows where. He went with that nobody instead of with me!

Little by little he began to get closer and closer to the bow wearing girl. I overheard Miku and Meiko talking about how Rin almost got trapped in an unfortunate accident. Knowing Meiko let some things slip, I offered her a drink afterschool. Yes, I had the chauffer bring some. So then she told me that Rin had almost gotten raped at her old school... How sad... Not.

As those two got closer, I began to hate Rin more and more. When I found out that they had gone on a date I had to call Piko to calm down. If not... I would've probably strangled Rin. Then I saw Len at the mall with Rin during school hours... And that bitch had the nerve to pour milkshake over me because I had kissed my boyfriend! (ch.6) I have to admit... It wasn't what I had expected... I thought she would begin to cry and slap him. He did get slapped but I noticed that wasn't what hurt Len. It was that look in her eyes... The same look I had when Piko left me...A look of hurt at someone's betrayal.

I promised myself that I wouldn't be weak anymore... That if I found someone to love I wouldn't let them go no matter what...

Len had tried to end with our relationship before but I stayed prominent to my word.

There was a time when he made it very clear that we were done.

"You were never special to me anyways. Just a play-thing…"

"Don't make me laugh. You were NEVER a love interest to me. EVER. As I said before, just a pastime, purely for fun."

Stupid Len... You made me look bad in front of the whole school that day and on top of that, you defended the blonde washboard instead. I should hate your guts...

But there is no way I am giving up someone I loved for the third time in my life... No more being the weak girl that people always found more.

Rin Kagamine won't take away Len from me... I will prevent that at all costs... Even if it means to...

Rin's P.O.V

I sighed and stared at the guy in front of me. He stared back with his sparkling cerulean eyes. He raised a golden eyebrow and looked at me in an amusing manner.

"Give up Rin" He sang.

"Never..." I muttered though my eyes had begun to sting.

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be," He warned, "You know I'm going to win."

"Ngh.." I said through gritted teeth.

Must not blink...must not blink... Must not blink...

My eyes closed for half a second... MY FRIGGIN' EYES CLOSED BEFORE HIS!

"Yes! I won! It's decided then, we are singing Juvenile!" He stated triumphantly.

"But why? What kind of a name is Juvenile anyway?" I asked.

"It is a very cool name and you lost to your own idea of a staring contest."

"Meh..." I mumbled.

"Hmm? Is that a 'Yes Len, I totally agree with your awesome idea'?"

"You wish!"

"Ugh... Let's go see what Kaito is doing since we already decided on our song."

"You're just rubbing it in, aren't you?"

"Yes, yes I am."

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him, something I hadn't done in a long time. We walked away from my locker and towards the cafeteria.

I couldn't help but be a little uncomfortable as all the girls we passed by gave me jealous looks. But since the incident at Len's house I came to realize (as much as I hate to admit it) that I am falling for him. It had already went past the "like" level... Crap, I am so stupid falling for this idiot who I once hated. Ughhh! After what happened with that piece of trash at my old school, I thought I would never love again... Too late for that. So I guess that is why I feel a little proud at being Len's center of attention.

The armor that I had worked so hard to build had started crumbling away from day one. Stupid, stupid, heart...

I was actually thinking of him as "cute" now a days... Cute! Gah... What is wrong with me? Snap out of it Rin!

"Yo... It's not good to walk while day dreaming, you know that?" Len warned me.

He shook me out of my trance. I blinked twice and realized that we had arrived at the cafeteria.

"But no worries... I will protect this day-dreaming cute girl from poles at all costs!"

"Gee... Thanks?" I said, avoiding the fact that he had called me "cute".

"Hi Rinny! Lenny!" Miku yelled from across the room.

I cringed... Well that's Miku for you, my best friend.

"Guess what?" She asked us, bouncing up and down, teal hair going wild.

"What?" We asked in unison.

"Kaito and I have our song!" She chirped happily.

"Wow... What a coincidence, we were about to tell you the same thing." Len mused.

"Wait, what?" She asked in a confused manner, "You were also going to tell me that Kaito and I had our song? But how did you know?"

Both Len and I stared at her in wonder. And here I thought Miku couldn't get more clueless...

"Ummmm... Surrre." Len said and then he spotted Kaito walking towards us.


"Sup Kaito. We have our song."

"Ahhh... So do we."

"What is the title?"

"World is Mine."

"Huh?" I asked, "What kind of a name is that?"

"Hah, you just love that question eh?" I heard Len say.

"Miku won in a staring contest so she chose the song and named it."

What was that? Staring contest, eh?

I looked in Len's direction and the guy was just staring at Kaito as if he had just said that he had seen a flying pig.

"See? Staring contests are an easy way to solve anything." I stated.

"Says the loser..." He shot back slyly.

"Shut up!" Both Kaito and I replied in unison even though he was speaking to ME.

Kaito cleared his throat and looked away.

"So... Shall we meet at my house to start recording the intrumentals?" Len asked.

"Yeah, sure..." Kaito said.

"Ugh, I don't think this is a good idea..." I muttered, remembering Len's mom.


Damn... They heard me!

"N-no reason..."

?.·°??°· °?

"Geez Len, what's up with your mom?" Mikuo muttered as we walked down the halls, "Never tasted broccholi cookies before."

"Don't ask me. You are the one who offered to taste them." Len muttered.

Mikuo had also tagged along to Len's house. We had to go through the same inspection ritual by his mom. Then she offered us some weird green looking cookies that she was "expirimenting" with. Do we look like guinea pigs? ...wait, don't answer that.

Mikuo, being Mikuo, agreed to try one. When his face turned a pale green we knew better than to also accept. Eating leek cookies was weird enough.

After somehow escaping, we were heading to the recording studio. I couldn't help but think:

What am I doing here?

I mean... Come on I can't even afford my room. Yet here I am, in Len's house which I assume is one of the best in the city... I shouldn't be here.

"Riiiin... You sure do like spacing out, don't you?"

I turned to face the sparkling eyes of the reason for which I am where I am and I am who I am...

Len Kagamine.

"Sorry..." I muttered.

I then noticed Mikuo was now walking next to me. Wasn't he just next to Luka?

"Hey Rin..." He said and gave me a heartwarming smile.

"Hi Mikuo" I replied, also giving him a smile. Len was staring at him in a menacing way.

"So how is your song coming along?"

"Very well, thank you." Len answered for me.

He had slowly slipped in between me and Mikuo.

Mikuo's left eye twitched and he smiled deviously.

I sweat dropped as I realized that he was carefully inching to my free side. Great... Len on my left and Mikuo on my right. Every time one of the two started a conversation, the other intercepted. Geez...

It started like this: M-R-L and ended like this: L-R-M

Miku, Luka, and Kaito were either not noticing them or not going to say anything... Messed up people. Miku, you leek lover, save me from these two little kids!

My silent pleas for help were ignored and we kept on walking like that.

"Hey Rin, so what are you doing tomorrow after school?" Mikuo asked.

"Well I-"

"She's rehearsing our song."

"I'm sorry Rin, what did you say?"

"She said to go away."

"I didn't think I asked you Len."

"Like I give a da-"


"Yes Rin." They muttered in unison.

Ugh, finally some peace and quiet...




Crap, now it's too awkwardly quiet... Curse you teal and yellow demons!

"So..." They said at the same, sending us into another awkward silence.


Len's P.O.V

Almost there...

Almost there...

Argh! Stupid Mikuo had to come and make things awkward...

It was YOU who started it by butting into the conversation... Don't you have manners?

Ahhh crap... It's... HIM.

I appreciate my warm welcome.

Shut up L.


Yes, I don't know what to call you so your name is L. Agh! What am I doing? I'm naming my freakin' conscience! I need a therapist and FAST.

L, I like the ring of that... Sounds like the name of a famous world wide detective!

Shut up L.

Well whatever... I came here for a reason.


Yes, duh, why do you think I would show myself otherwise? Your conscience only speaks to you when your deciding a really important matter. Otherwise I just watch prefer to watch you mess up.

Riiighht... Nice to know.

So... The reason I'm here is to remind you of a certain matter.


Regarding a blonde girl named Rinny Rin Rin. Remember what you were going to do?


Any minute now, oh enlightened one...


The bet you idiot!

Crap! I totally forgot about that.

See? You should pay me.

I have to tell Rin the truth. How do I do it L?

Why are you asking me? I'm only a simple conscience you know.


Well... I guess... But I have to take a nap so I probably won't show up again until you either run into a new problem or totally screw up and lose Rin... Either or... Bye!

L! Get back here you sorry excuse for a conscience! You have no right to ditch me!


No I am not crazy and no I did not just argue with my conscience... Or name it...



...Seems simple right?

Yet I have to do it without getting killed and breaking her heart.

...Her heart.

I took a peek at Rin who was now talking with Mikuo. Damn you L, you distracted me from stopping Mikuo from talking to MY Rin!

Hmmm, last time we were here she distinctly said...

"That's what friends are for, right?"

Friends... You have no idea how disappointed I was when I heard those words.


Is it so wrong to want to be more than that? This is the first time in my life in which I want to be more than friends with a girl.

Rin... Rin is so different to the others. When she laughs, I'm happy. When she is sad, my heart breaks in two. She is my air... I need her to live. Don't ask me when it happened, or how it happened because I don't know myself.

That weird mysterious girl was now my one and only love... Hah, instead of me conquering her, SHE is the one who tied a rope around me.

But... Does she love me back? I mean, she accepted the date. She told me about her painful past. We spent so much time together in the last month that it seems like we had known each other since like forever. I think she likes me, but love?

Girls are very complicated... Well at least Rin is... Let me rephrase it: Rin is complicated.

"Len... You can't say anything to Rin if you yourself space out." Mikuo said.

Rin is complicated and Mikuo is simply a meddling leek freak.


"We finally made it to the room!" Rin cried out and then blushed bright red, embarrased by her outburst.

Heh, so I wasn't the only one who sensed the dense tension in the air.

We all filed into the recording studio. Don't ask why we have one... As Mikuo stated before, something is wrong with my mom.

After about ten minutes of editing each of our individual instrumental tracks, I got up.

"I'm going to go get drinks, anyone want any?"

"Don't you have servants?" Mikuo called out.

"Yes... But I like to feel of use in this house." I said bitterly.

"Rin, want to come?" I said, looking hopefully at the short blonde.


"Rin, do you want to help me out? Meiko and I decided to do individual solos so I need some help doing the instrumental."

"Um, well.."

I gave Mikuo the deadliest death glare I could manage... Or at least I tried to copy the ones Rin used on me since she is the expert.

He responded the glare by doing the same.

I walked up to Rin and grabbed her arm, "Let's go."

Mikuo got up and took the other one, "What if Rin doesn't want to go?"

Rin, meanwhile, just sighed and looked for a way to wiggle out of our grasp.

"Rin is mine..." I growled and pulled Rin towards me.

"Rin doesn't belong to anyone." Mikuo shot back and also pulled.

"Rin doesn't like having her arms ripped off."

We both stopped pulling and looked at Rin, who we had totally ignored in a fight about HER.

"Let me go."

"But Rin-"

"I just wanted-"

"Shut up both of you! Rin is staying with me whether she agrees or not!" Miku yelled.

"Yes Miku."

We let go of Rin's arms. I mean, Miku is nice and all but don't mess with her when she gets mad... Noooo, just turn around and run.

"And I don't want you guys near Rin, you hear me? I actually want her to stay in one piece!"

"Yeah okay Miku..."

"He's the one who started it!"

"Shut up, Mikuo!"

"Yes, oh high and mighty younger sister." He said sarcastically.

Miku got a leek out of...well I don't know where it came from, but wherever it came from she started chasing Mikuo with it.

"Sorry Mikuuu! I'll be good nowwww!"

I sighed as I stared at Mikuo and then at Rin.

Does he even count as a love rival? The answer is a bit unclear to me as I watch the idiot run away and try to hide behind a now annoyed Kaito.

Well I better go get those drinks...

Rin's P.O.V

As soon as the blonde male disappeared, Miku stopped chasing Mikuo. She calmly walked up to me and without warning, dragged me outside.

"Miku? Why are we-"

"Shush!" Miku said as she covered my mouth.

"We'll be back! I need to go to the bathroom!" Miku called out to the rest.

If the boys and Luka thought it was weird for two girls to go to the bathroom together they didn't say.

Miku dargged me from the recording room and promtly shoved me into a fancy white and blue tiled bathroom.

"Miku, what the hell?" I asked loudly as soon as she let me go.

"We have something to talk about."

"We do?"


I leaned against the cold tile wall. I ignored the small voice that told me that Len must take a shower in this very room. Stupid thoughts...

"So what is the matter?" I asked, still not knowing why I was abducted into a restroom.

"Look Rin, I'm going to put this simply: you have two really hot guys after your heart. Anyone would die to have either Len or Mikuo chasing after them." She said with a light blush.

I was left speechless. I know Len likes me because he confessed to me after our date... But Mikuo?

"Hmmm, why do you look so surprised..." Miku started, "Oh! Don't tell me you didn't know..."

I just gave her a blank stare that said all.

"I'll take that as a no. Crap, ugh Mikuo is gonna kill me..." Miku muttered.

"M-Mikuo likes me?" I stuttered out, thinking out loud.

"Unfortunately yes. I'm not saying its bad because he shouldn't like you, I'm saying it because I don't think he can win the battle."

I just kept on staring blankly, slowly processing everything.

"Out of all of the female population at our school, the idiot had to fall for you."

"H-he told you that he likes me?" I asked cautiously.

"W-well no..."

"See? Hah, we are just friends and I'm extremely grateful with him for saving my life and all but there is no way he could like ME. I mean, he is a always flirting with Luka and Meiko."

Especially pretty ones like you.

So that was true?

"No... He flirts with them as a sick hobby. But with you it is different. Since the day that he saved you, his eyes changed. They always looked bored but now they are full of life. Especially when he sees you... He actually smiles for real instead just to get along with people. He is happy."

"But I-"

"Shush. I know you don't love him. I also notice the way you act towards Len. You love him, don't you?" She asked while her teal eyes bore into mines, seeking the truth.

My face began to heat up. I can't lie to Miku can I? I don't think I could lie to my heart any longer...

"I-I-I..." Stupid heart can't let me think straight! This pounding is maddening!

"Come on, you can say it..." Miku encouraged.

"I-I think I do like Len..." I whispered.

"Ahahah... Like or love?"

"I like, might even l-love, Len." I blurted out.

"Much better." Miku stated proudly.

I did it... I said it...

"So now you gotta tell Lenny."

"What? No!"

"Ugh... Fine, take your time... Just one thing."


"When you say no to my brother, please don't let him down too harshly. He has only been in love for so long. As idiotic and as clumsy as he is, he is still my caring older brother so I gotta look after him." She said and winked.


I couldn't say anything. My best friend had just confessed to me that her elder brother loves me. Mikuo Hatsune... He is a nice, caring, funny guy but I don't love him. Sure, he is attractive and maybe if Len hadn't popped up in my life I would've easily fallen for him. Len...

"Ready to face them?"

I shook my head, I seriously wasn't.

"Too bad."

"Wait Miku!" I protested but it was useless. She dragged me back to the recording room.

"We're baaack!" Miku yelled as we went inside.

Please Mikuo and Len don't say anything or I will probably die from the blood rushing to my head.


Ahhh, great.


"I finished the instrumental for our song!" Len stated triumphantly.

"I also finished mine!" Mikuo called out.

Geez... I couldn't look to one side because someone was already talking to me from the opposite side.

"Let's take a look..." I said as I placed the headphones on my head and heard Len's "masterpiece".

It was actually pretty good. It made our conversation-like song sound more cool and with a catchy beat. It was really awesome sounding, not that I would openly admit it.


I looked at Len who was staring at me like I would give him a million dollars then and there... His cerulean eyes searched for approval. A blush dusted my cheeks and I averted my gaze.

"I-It's good." I said without looking at him.

"Yes! See, I told you leek boy!"

Miku gave Len a small warning glare and he just smiled meekly while shrugging.

"Whatever, banana freak."

"Can I be handsome eggplant?"

We all turned to face Gakupo. Seriously, talk about not reading the atmosphere.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Nothing..." We all muttered in response.

I kept on unconsciously fidgeting with the hem of my uniform skirt. Why did Miku have to tell me that? Crap, my heart is beating so fast... I'm going to die if it doesn't stop.

I sneeked a peek at Len who was staring at me intently with his sparkling blue eyes. Could he hear my heart beating? At that thought the blood once again rushed to my face.

"Rin, your face is pretty red..."

My eyes darted to my left. Since when did Mikuo waltz over here?

"Are you sick?" Len excalimed suddenly, his face full of worry.

"Eh? No, I feel fine..." I lied.

He stood up and pressed his forhead against mine. I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. I got lost in his beautiful blue brilliant eyes.

"Heh, you have a fever..." He breathed.

My legs wobbled and I staggered. Too close, too close!

My legs turned to jelly and I fell backwards but someone caught me.

"Len, what did you do to Rin?"

That was the last thing I heard before my world turned black.

Len's P.O.V


Rin is lying unconscious.

Ohohoho... That isn't the bad part. The bad part is...


She is miiiineee...

"Len, what did you do to Rin?"

Wha-? Me?

"What do you mean what did I do... You are the one who got close to her before she fainted!"

"You oblivious idiots! You both caused Rin to faint... Ugh! You idiots go take Rin to Len's room." Miku ordered.

"Geez you could at least be a little nicer about it..." Mikuo muttered as he carried Rin bridal style.

"Why do you get to carry Rin?" I pointed out.

If anything, I have more right to carry her.

"'Cus I'm taller." He replied simply.

Pulling the height card I see... Dirty, very dirty play, Mikuo...

I just rolled my eyes and silently followed Mikuo. He took a left turn... This guy...

"You idiot, my room is in the opposite direction."

"Shut up! I knew that!" Mikuo said in his defense and turned around.

Don't worry Rin... I'll get you away from him!

We arrived at my room and Mikuo gently placed Rin on my bed. I couldn't help but sneer and a low growl escaped from my lips as I saw how tenderly Mikuo looked at the sleeping Rin.

She is miiiiineeee... Heh, seems like that is all I think about now a days.

"Stop growling like an animal." Mikuo muttered.

"Well I can't help it, okay?" I snorted.

"... Do you like Rin?"

I blinked. Well this is a sudden question... Can't say that I expected that but can't lie, now can we?

"Yes I do. The bet backfired and I ended up falling in love with her. Got a problem with that?"

"Right... The bet. When do you plan to tell her about that, eh?"


I couldn't say anything. When did I plan to tell her that?

"Look Len, let's be frank. I also love Rin and you know that. I don't know why or how it happened but it did and that is what matters."

I felt the pit of my stomach burn. I already guessed that he liked her but love? Do I actually think he could have a chance with Rin and that is why I feel jealous?

"But unfortunately Rin likes you better. I came to realize my feelings too late and there is nothing I can to about that."

Yeah... Rin likes me better... So I shouldn't be afraid of losing her, right?

"So listen, tell Rin about the bet. She will be hurt if she hears it from someone else. I will not let Rin's heart be toyed like this... If you don't tell her by the talent show... I myself will tell her the treacherous game you have been playing."

With that, the teal haired male got up and left the room. I just stayed there, not knowing what to do.

I turned and sat on the corner of my bed where Rin was resting. I reached over and brushed the golden strands away from her pretty face. She looked like a peaceful angel sleeping like that... The angel part sure, but peaceful... Maybe not so much. Who knew angels had such strong hands and slapped guys on a daily basis?

I need to tell her... But... How? The talent show is in two days! If I don't tell her, Mikuo will surely do it.


How do you feel towards me?


I stared at the sleeping beauty. Did she just...?

"Mom... No..."

Her face twisted and she looked like she was remembering some nasty events. But did I hear right when she had called my name?

"Len... Don't leave me."

Her right hand was clutching the bed tightly. I smiled and took her hand in mine.

"I'm not going anywhere..."

My eyelids felt heavy and I fell asleep, still clutching her hand.

Mikuo's P.O.V

I rushed out of the room. A blush was heavily dusting my face. Why?


I clutched at my heart which was now painfully throbbing. Why? I was fine until the day I rescued her.

Maybe I should go back... Len could easily rape a defensless sleeping girl like Rin.

I sighed. I had been divided into two parts. The half that is Len's friend and the half that is his love rival. Though the love rival side wants to believe he could do something like that, the friend side knows that Len isn't capable of doing something as wretched as that.

"Yo, where are you going?" Kaito asked.

"I'm going to take some fresh air."

"Ehm, okay."

I quickly dashed past him and made it to the door. My vision began to blur; I need to leave fast.

As soon as I got out I wandered down the streets.

What can I do with these feelings?

I finally made it to an alleyway and the tears that had been held captive were released. I began to kick everything in sight.


I kicked the wall.


I punched the brick wall and felt the pain rush through my arm.

"Stupid Len is wasting Rin's love! He doesn't deserve her! His stupid bet will break heart! Why is he playing with her like that?" I yelled out into the empty alley, tears now rolling down my face freely.

From the corner of my eyes I saw a figure's shadow move. What the-? I must be seeing things.

Using my now dirty sleeves, I wiped my teary eyes.

"Stupid heart..." I muttered and slumped against the wall, slowly sliding down until I sat on the floor.


I turned to see Miku standing there, leaning against the wall.

"You finally realized it, didn't you?"

"What? That I was an idiot to fall in love with a girl who I have no chances with because my friend loves her and she loves him back and they are both going to be blissfully bliss in love?" I yelled.

"Well, I was going to rephrase it but what you said works as well." She mused and took a seat next to me.

"D-did you also feel like this when Len dumped you?"

Her teal eyes looked at me in surprise, "W-well I wasn't as bad as you are right now."

"Heh you lie, I heard you crying at night." I said.

"Y-you did?" She asked in surprise.

I nodded and she blushed.

"Okay... I admit I did have my hopes up and thought we could get somewhere. My heart was crushed when he dumped me for Miki..."

I looked at my younger sister who was currently looking back at old and hurtful memories.

A small tear escaped the shining teal eyes of my beloved sister.

"B-but then I found Kaito... He-he began to slowly heal up my broken heart. At first I had only accepted to go out with him to make Len jealous but I fell for him. The icecream lover is now in a very special part of my heart." She said with a smile and her tears glittered in the sun.

I smiled. Miku never gave up. No matter how heartbroken she was she never showed it. Unlike Miki, she could accept the truth and move on with her life. I truly admire her for that...

"So, back to you..." She said and her eyes landed on my now bloodied arm.

"Goodness Mikuo! Do you want to break your arm? What kind of an idiot punches a frickin' brick wall?" She exclaimed and she removed her bow from her uniform which she used to tie up my arm to stop the bleeding.

"It's fine..." I said.

"Fine my ass! Look at you! It looks like you got into a fight!"

I rolled my eyes and let protective sister Miku do her work.

"If love is supposed to be happy and warm..." I said as she mended my arm, "why does is hurt so much?"

"..." Miku remained silent at my question.

"I-if this is love... I don't think I like it."

"Stupid big brother..." She sighed as she finished up, "this is your first time being in love so you can't go and make assumptions like that."


"Mikuo... You know if you really are after Rin, you gotta fight for her."

I looked at my sister in wonder.

"What? Were you just going to watch how Len takes her away to lovey dovey land and do nothing? That is not the way of the Hatsune!"

She stood up and extended her hand, "if you really love Rin you can't give up that easily!"

"B-but aren't you on his side?" I asked and by his I meant Len.

"No! I'm on Rin's side and as her best friend and your I have a right to encourage you to fight for her! Len seems to have changed but we don't know for sure..."

I smiled and rose to my feet.

"Alright oh high and mighty younger sister..."

"Shut up!"

I received a whack from her death leek and I rubbed my head.

"Ouch Miku, that hurt."

"Serves you right for being a coward and attacking a wall!"

Third Person P.O.V

So... The leek boy really did fall for Rin...


All going according to plan.

But what had he been yelling about? He had said something about a bet and Len toying with Rin's emotions...

The red head smiled to herself as she lied on her bed.

What could he have meant?

Her phone's LCD light flashed and she immediately flipped it open.

(Piko: guess what?)

(Miki: what?)

(Piko: my parents agreed to let me come and stay over at your place for a week)

(Miki: That's great! I really have missed you!"

(Piko: yep)

The red head jumped off her bed and ran downstairs to call her mom. Her scheming could wait a while...

?.·°??°· °?

Next Chapter: The Talent Show of Fragile Hearts

?.·°??°· °?
ugh.. sorry for the delay but here is the new chapter!

this chapter is dedicated to.. :iconkarenelrickagamine:!!!!! :D thanks for sticking with me on this story :3

I own nothing!

p.s: I hope I got the italization right... thanks to :iconkarenelrickagamine: for telling me how to do it xD
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Daedae23's avatar
I'm scared to read the next :( Miki mean xD and Mikuo WHY DID YOU FALL FOR RIN DUM DUM!!!!!! >.< sorry :/